Thursday, November 29, 2007

To Jeimy and Shannon and anyone else who has solicited me for any parenting advice...

So the story about the picture is evidence that I am in training still. I am really clinging to the verse about completing his good work in me...:>:>

I tried to fix Annie's mac-n-cheese and I got distracted and the noodles burned. THEN, I poured too much milk and it became soup. I just told the kids it was a new recipe. They looked concerned but ate it and too my surprise LOVED it and even had 3rds. The next week Caden asked for " the new yummy noodle soup" and it took me a bit to remember what he was talking about. Then he described it: "the noodles with little bits of black and lots of milk." and I remembered. HA! Good to know that not all of my mistakes will end in hours of future counseling or some adult onset post traumatic something or other disease/syndrome.

His attitude and the blackened pot reminded me that it's ok to screw up and mistakes are inevitable. That it's sometimes as simple as our choosing to change our outlook at a new normal or life's latest recipe; our willingness to take out the scouring sponge and scrub the dirty areas and begin again and again. We are Mom's and we are not superhuman. WE screw up and our children need us to be honest with ourselves and them, because that is how they learn by example to say "I am sorry." or " I was wrong." This is when they can be given the opportunity to say "You're forgiven." and "I still love you." We learn by living and we live by learning.

WITH enough said, hoping to encourage and motivate you all.......

My honest mother confessions and proof of failures:
-I giggle at the wrong times, like when they fall.
-My children have said suck and screw, NOT referring to candy and screwdrivers.
-I have let them stay up as late as possible just to see how long they would last.
-I have let my children go to bed dirty (just for you Shannon).
-I have locked myself in the bathroom and hoped for a stomach problem that would render me unavailable for longer than 15 minutes.
-I scream.
-I asked Richie if we could change the way we spell Sofia 6 months ago.
-The backseat of our van looks like a refrigerator exploded.(Richie here... amen to that... and I'm not cleaning it again).
-I beg at times.
-I am the worst side-line Mom! I yell and charge the field at all the wrong times.
-I have sat on the floor and had temper fits with my children.
-I believe in hand-me-downs and sharing.
-I am a sucker for humor and Caden knows it.
-I MAKE them watch Christmas movies starting in September even when they protest.
-I throw away artwork.
-I over do it with the photo journalism.
-I say "yes, honey" sometimes when I haven't a stinking clue what they have just asked.
-I pull band-aids off real fast.
-I have dipped things in Chocolate to make Sofia eat it.
-I forget how we spelled Sofia's middle name on her birth certificate.
-They have seen me have road rage. (You would not let me forget that Pam, right?)
-I teach there is always a loser and a winner and they should be the winner.
-I have tried to convince them that the burn marks on food makes things taste better.
-I have no idea when they first rolled over, spoke, ate real food, etc.....
-I have served ice cream for dinner.
-I say "Suck it up."
-My daughter has had worn, chipped, red polish on her fingernails in public.
-We've had cupcakes for breakfast.
-I forget how much they all weighed at birth.
-I replace, not repair.
-I have allowed them to color their bodies with Marker.
-Their socks don't always match.
-I am a horrible baker....the smell of fresh baked pie comes straight out of an airwick.
-Silas has worn a Hannaford bag and Caden's underwear as a diaper before.
-I try to convince them to let me tell about surprises before they happen.
-I keep forgetting to teach Caden how to tie his shoes because most of his shoes are slip on.
-I allow them to wear, in public, their Halloween costumes during the rest of the year.
-I don't knit, I tie knots.
-I tell them to "Go ask your Father."
-I have never sowed a button on.
-I forget to make them write Thank you cards.
I could go on and on......but I wont. We are all a work in progress and I pray that everyone has patience with me. I know that I love my babies...and they love me. We need one another to learn with and experience life together.

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