A CRIB REPORT: A truthful, hopefully fun-filled breakdown of our live's realities and unexpected adventures.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
the benefits of christian radio....
This morning I was on the phone sharing life's struggles with a friend. We were gushing over mommy issues and all the things that exhaust us. At one point I think I said something along the lines of needing a break or time off. Later, I plopped down on the floor next to Caden as he played with his cars and started chatting with him. I asked him to show Mommy patience because I was grumpy. He looked at me and said, "Yeah, I heard you need a break. " I said "Yeah, I think Mommy could use a little time." He says with complete confidence " Well, I think you need to do your devotions, that would help." I laughed. He then went on, " and I heard on positive 89.3 that moms need time outs and that the MOPS lady on the radio says you should find a big window in your house to watch the sunset or something quiet and nice. I think that would help you." I laughed so hard.....they hear everything and understand so much more than we give them credit for.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The last day for Apple Picking
the last 48 hours
No likey life right now. I feel like I have a Mommy hangover. Let me explain. Tuesday by 9am I had called poison control. Sofia ate the silica gel pack inside a package of pepperoni. Yes, Pepperoni at 9 am. So don't fret if this happens; non toxic if eaten in small quantities. Well, what the heck is a small quantity because she crunched they whole bleepin thing. AND why, for cryin out loud, do they have "DO NOT EAT" all over the silica pack if it's no big deal?
The rest of the day was somewhat normal. Normal for us anyway. THEN, at the drive through of Micky D's I rolled, tapped, bumped, glided..whatever... into the Blazer in front of me. The man in the blazer whipped his head back and yelled a few choice words which directed the two Mc Donalds employees attention my way. They leaned out the window and just looked at me. I was trying to count my change and somehow just went a little bump into the dude and boy let me tell you...it was not a bump on his Richter scale. And speaking of scales, this dude was definitley on the larger side, I was shocked the vehicle even moved. How embarrassing. I hop out and tell him to pull up to the parking spot, and He said "I am, you didn't have to tell me that." UH-OH right???? As I crawl back to my blue beast, the lady in a car behind me says....I just did the same thing yesterday. I wasn't able to decipher which was more humorous to me; the fact that the lady had been in another drive through the day before as well, or the casual empathy in her voice that led me to think "it must just be a women thing.", or the fact that the man in the blazer waited for his fries before pulling up. All ended well, big scale man got out of his vehicle, looked at the nothing, and said "it's nothing.", got back in his car and drove away. I sat there gathering myself and Caden says "it's OK, you'll live momma. Auntie Ave has gotten into bunches of accidents and shes still driving and healthy." Funny funny.
SOOOO, Wed. we awake to everyone sick. Lots of sickies. Caden was running a temp of 104 constantly all day. Sy was a butterball of flim and Sofia was just Sofia. We watched movies and did the chill on the couch-watch movies and cuddle thing all day. That was nice. I wish we didn't have to have sickies to have those days sometimes. At 2am I wake myself up coughing my brains out. I went to the computer room so I wouldn't wake anyone else and drank my weight in airborne. I checked on Caden and his temp was back and so I gave him meds and then I heard Silas hacking. I went to his crib and the poor bugger was all crusty and have a hard time breathing. I picked him up and tried to do that blue bulb sucky thing. He likes it...how weird is that. He just grins and giggles. Ha. I rocked, I hummed, I shushed, I rubbed, I patted, all to no avail. He moaned and groaned and coughed and wheezed till he finally conked out around 6ish, about the time that Sofia decided to get up for good. She had been somewhat awake since 4 when she heard Sy and I. I threatened her life and her offspring if she didn't go back to bed...that didn't work. So I told her if she went back to sleep I would give her chocolate when she woke up. That worked. parenting skills go flyin out the window when you have no sleep. Sofia falls asleep, Silas is now asleep, so now I begin to drift around 6:45 when Caden bounces down stares announcing that he has puked everywhere and peed his pants. I quietly deal with this mini crisis, get him calmed down and back to sleep and go back to bed around 7:30. Silas wakes at 8:15; Sofia is pulling my eyelids by 8:30 asking for chocolate. Life is good. I just need a 4th to really add something to my life. I really just have to much bliss ya know?????
The rest of the day was somewhat normal. Normal for us anyway. THEN, at the drive through of Micky D's I rolled, tapped, bumped, glided..whatever... into the Blazer in front of me. The man in the blazer whipped his head back and yelled a few choice words which directed the two Mc Donalds employees attention my way. They leaned out the window and just looked at me. I was trying to count my change and somehow just went a little bump into the dude and boy let me tell you...it was not a bump on his Richter scale. And speaking of scales, this dude was definitley on the larger side, I was shocked the vehicle even moved. How embarrassing. I hop out and tell him to pull up to the parking spot, and He said "I am, you didn't have to tell me that." UH-OH right???? As I crawl back to my blue beast, the lady in a car behind me says....I just did the same thing yesterday. I wasn't able to decipher which was more humorous to me; the fact that the lady had been in another drive through the day before as well, or the casual empathy in her voice that led me to think "it must just be a women thing.", or the fact that the man in the blazer waited for his fries before pulling up. All ended well, big scale man got out of his vehicle, looked at the nothing, and said "it's nothing.", got back in his car and drove away. I sat there gathering myself and Caden says "it's OK, you'll live momma. Auntie Ave has gotten into bunches of accidents and shes still driving and healthy." Funny funny.
SOOOO, Wed. we awake to everyone sick. Lots of sickies. Caden was running a temp of 104 constantly all day. Sy was a butterball of flim and Sofia was just Sofia. We watched movies and did the chill on the couch-watch movies and cuddle thing all day. That was nice. I wish we didn't have to have sickies to have those days sometimes. At 2am I wake myself up coughing my brains out. I went to the computer room so I wouldn't wake anyone else and drank my weight in airborne. I checked on Caden and his temp was back and so I gave him meds and then I heard Silas hacking. I went to his crib and the poor bugger was all crusty and have a hard time breathing. I picked him up and tried to do that blue bulb sucky thing. He likes it...how weird is that. He just grins and giggles. Ha. I rocked, I hummed, I shushed, I rubbed, I patted, all to no avail. He moaned and groaned and coughed and wheezed till he finally conked out around 6ish, about the time that Sofia decided to get up for good. She had been somewhat awake since 4 when she heard Sy and I. I threatened her life and her offspring if she didn't go back to bed...that didn't work. So I told her if she went back to sleep I would give her chocolate when she woke up. That worked. parenting skills go flyin out the window when you have no sleep. Sofia falls asleep, Silas is now asleep, so now I begin to drift around 6:45 when Caden bounces down stares announcing that he has puked everywhere and peed his pants. I quietly deal with this mini crisis, get him calmed down and back to sleep and go back to bed around 7:30. Silas wakes at 8:15; Sofia is pulling my eyelids by 8:30 asking for chocolate. Life is good. I just need a 4th to really add something to my life. I really just have to much bliss ya know?????
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
his middle finger sums it all up.....
Well, I know it doesn't look like it by the 1st photo but, Silas, these days is not feeling very himself. He is teething, he has a cold, and on top of it we started solids and I feed him something that bothered his belly. While apple picking he was by anyone Else's standard amazing but just not the typical Sy-Sy we know so well.
We caught this 2nd action on camera, cracked up, stating that it seem to capture his unspoken thoughts.

We caught this 2nd action on camera, cracked up, stating that it seem to capture his unspoken thoughts.
The differences between a boy and a girl.
A few weeks ago I went to visit a friend who will remain nameless. This friend has 3 adorable boys, 2 with cute strawberry blond hair. The 3rd was born just a few weeks ago. Hint Hint....
BUT this friend will remain nameless.
So, Caden and his 4 year old buddy act like they are trying out for WWF ( I know it's not called that now??:>) or something along those lines. They wrestle constantly sometimes requiring a little referring from the folks. All the while loving it and not complaining one bit about what I'm sure has to be occasionally painful. I'm sure everyone at our church who has witnessed this exchange between the two boys thinks they are really fighting and that we as Mom's spectating the event are nut's. I assure you we think their crazy also, but have been told over and over by them they're " just having fun". Boys will be boys is all I have to say. Glad they have found one another.
Well, this activity is worthy of blogging bc of what it almost became two weeks ago we were stopping in to say "Hi.". The boys started in right away. They were flinging one another all over the place with huge grins on their faces. Sofia and the younger brother embraced and ran to the "safe zone" are of the yard and played. At one point I noticed that Sofia appeared to be stuck in the baby swing seat so I ventured out to assist her. Well, as I approached the kids I overheard the grunts, giggles, and threats being muttered from the two wrestlers. Sofia was in the back ground whining to get help and saying over and over "I'm stuck." in a very dramatic helpless voice. I hear Z--h (nameless remember?) say to Caden, "Your gonna get it! It's gonna smush all over you." Caden then says; "nu-hu, your gonna get it and smell really bad." Z: "Whoever gets thrown into the poop first looses." Caden: "Yeah, whoever throws the other into the poop wins." Z: "Yeah, I'm gonna win." ME: "WHAT???????????, WHAT are you two talking about?" I redirect my steps to where they are wrestling forgetting about Sofia. Then overhearing the fear in my voice, Sofia magically gets herself out of her predicament and heads over to investigate what the two are doing. I holler, while trying not to show my amusement, for them to stop. They are literally inches away from a HUGE pile of German Sheppard poop. I ask again what are they doing and together they state the obvious. "Were trying to push each other in the dogs poop." Me: "Why??????" Them: still wrestling, "it's funny." ME: "NO it is not funny and you both need to stop right now." Surprisingly they do. We all stand there for and moment. Sofia says "eeewwweee, you're Gross, that's disgusting." I thought to myself how different boys and girls are and that Sofia would never enjoy wrestling in poop. Then, without warning, SOFIA stomps here little bitty feminine foot into the huge pile of poop and laughs. Caden and Z laugh and run off with Sofia applauding her behavior. So much for what I know about the differences between a boy, a girl, and dog poop.
BUT this friend will remain nameless.
So, Caden and his 4 year old buddy act like they are trying out for WWF ( I know it's not called that now??:>) or something along those lines. They wrestle constantly sometimes requiring a little referring from the folks. All the while loving it and not complaining one bit about what I'm sure has to be occasionally painful. I'm sure everyone at our church who has witnessed this exchange between the two boys thinks they are really fighting and that we as Mom's spectating the event are nut's. I assure you we think their crazy also, but have been told over and over by them they're " just having fun". Boys will be boys is all I have to say. Glad they have found one another.
Well, this activity is worthy of blogging bc of what it almost became two weeks ago we were stopping in to say "Hi.". The boys started in right away. They were flinging one another all over the place with huge grins on their faces. Sofia and the younger brother embraced and ran to the "safe zone" are of the yard and played. At one point I noticed that Sofia appeared to be stuck in the baby swing seat so I ventured out to assist her. Well, as I approached the kids I overheard the grunts, giggles, and threats being muttered from the two wrestlers. Sofia was in the back ground whining to get help and saying over and over "I'm stuck." in a very dramatic helpless voice. I hear Z--h (nameless remember?) say to Caden, "Your gonna get it! It's gonna smush all over you." Caden then says; "nu-hu, your gonna get it and smell really bad." Z: "Whoever gets thrown into the poop first looses." Caden: "Yeah, whoever throws the other into the poop wins." Z: "Yeah, I'm gonna win." ME: "WHAT???????????, WHAT are you two talking about?" I redirect my steps to where they are wrestling forgetting about Sofia. Then overhearing the fear in my voice, Sofia magically gets herself out of her predicament and heads over to investigate what the two are doing. I holler, while trying not to show my amusement, for them to stop. They are literally inches away from a HUGE pile of German Sheppard poop. I ask again what are they doing and together they state the obvious. "Were trying to push each other in the dogs poop." Me: "Why??????" Them: still wrestling, "it's funny." ME: "NO it is not funny and you both need to stop right now." Surprisingly they do. We all stand there for and moment. Sofia says "eeewwweee, you're Gross, that's disgusting." I thought to myself how different boys and girls are and that Sofia would never enjoy wrestling in poop. Then, without warning, SOFIA stomps here little bitty feminine foot into the huge pile of poop and laughs. Caden and Z laugh and run off with Sofia applauding her behavior. So much for what I know about the differences between a boy, a girl, and dog poop.
Monday, October 22, 2007
So I've been thinkin'...
I know that's a shock. These moments are fleeting so I thought I would share some of my brains rattlings outloud. Close your screens if clarity and bliss are what your looking for. No conclusions here.
The past couple weeks presented odd situations and conversations that caused me to look inward. Something that's so important and often ugly. I hate unwrapping my heart at times. It's a present that I'm not sure I want anyone to recieve. My bows are lavish, pretty, and tied tightly. They unravel and reveal dollar store gifts, penny candy, left overs. Sometimes, just a bunch of good for nothins.
The highlight was Monday afternoon at an apple orchard. Our family decided to take a day to be together and enjoy the unseasonably warm wonderful weather that we've been blessed with. Near 80 with no humidity and lots of blue skies. As we pulled up to the orchard we noticed a group of unique individuals milling around the spot we were headed for. They were Yogi's and lived on a commune. No electricity, no running water. They share everything for the common good of everyone. They looked very different. Caden thought they lived in another country. I didnt have to ask what they belived because their beliefs were woven elequently into everything they said. They were confident and gentle. They were kind and friendly. The young age of the children did not dictate or limit there ablilities to speak "their" truth or beliefs. It was not what they thought or believed, it was who they were. There were 3 adults and about 8 children. They were some of the most well behaved controlled children I have seen. They were some of the friendliest women I have met. One of the "spiritual teachers" was only 18 herself but her eyes and prescence spoke of experience and determination far beyond those years. We chatted and spoke of light things. My mind, of course was all over the place. I prayed, I yearned for an "oppurtunity". I listened to them talk and felt a bit of jealousy. I am suppose to be salt and light. However, I felt like my salt shaker was empty, I felt like a shadow. Just that am prior to leaving our house I listened to James McDonald preach about boldness. He spoke of Paul and the confidence in which he presented his beliefs. He spoke of the unrefutable power of the simple message of the cross. He spoke and I listened and understood and believed. Yet standing there today, I was unsure of how to approach such a group. So I watched and absorbed. I secretly wished we had more people like them on our "team":>

I am certain they are not perfect. I am certain they struggle with the same ugly heart issues. However, I am certain that if true believers were to be so bold and kind our world would be different and the kingdom of God bigger. If we, like them disciplined ourselves to eliminate so much of the worlds noise and influences perhaps we would here our Lord louder and translate his message clearer. We are to go to all the world but I think we often forget that our world starts in our back yard. You don't have to go to the edge of civilization to meet those who haven't heard, or those who may have heard but don't understand. If we could only be a better advertisement...if our lives were a better reflection of Him.
I had many conversations this week that made me think about the way we respond as Christians to one another and to the world. We are in this world but not suppose to be of it. Yet, I think that we blend in so well there is no difference. We look the same, we sound the same, we respond to one another the same way, we forget to forgive. Our grace and security creates passiveness. We surround ourselves with other like minded individuals and forget to reach out. We protect our children to the point of hindering growth and understanding. We often remove ourselves from uncomfortable, unfamiliar situations to "protect" ourselves and hurt Christ while doing so. I want to be wise. I want my families heart to be sensitive to others and their needs. I want understanding. I want for us to know when to speak and when to be silent. I want our passion to point to peace and not dominance. To help and not hinder. To be part of the picture but not in the way.
They synced we were different, "enlightened", and continued our conversing beyond the typical few moments of casual exchange. For this I was thankful that our spirits spoke. I praise God that a HOLY spirit lives within my children, my husband, and I.
They wanted to engage with us. I wanted to engage with them. There Yogi's and they are also a creation of God...knit together...loved...saught after by a savior.
The past couple weeks presented odd situations and conversations that caused me to look inward. Something that's so important and often ugly. I hate unwrapping my heart at times. It's a present that I'm not sure I want anyone to recieve. My bows are lavish, pretty, and tied tightly. They unravel and reveal dollar store gifts, penny candy, left overs. Sometimes, just a bunch of good for nothins.
The highlight was Monday afternoon at an apple orchard. Our family decided to take a day to be together and enjoy the unseasonably warm wonderful weather that we've been blessed with. Near 80 with no humidity and lots of blue skies. As we pulled up to the orchard we noticed a group of unique individuals milling around the spot we were headed for. They were Yogi's and lived on a commune. No electricity, no running water. They share everything for the common good of everyone. They looked very different. Caden thought they lived in another country. I didnt have to ask what they belived because their beliefs were woven elequently into everything they said. They were confident and gentle. They were kind and friendly. The young age of the children did not dictate or limit there ablilities to speak "their" truth or beliefs. It was not what they thought or believed, it was who they were. There were 3 adults and about 8 children. They were some of the most well behaved controlled children I have seen. They were some of the friendliest women I have met. One of the "spiritual teachers" was only 18 herself but her eyes and prescence spoke of experience and determination far beyond those years. We chatted and spoke of light things. My mind, of course was all over the place. I prayed, I yearned for an "oppurtunity". I listened to them talk and felt a bit of jealousy. I am suppose to be salt and light. However, I felt like my salt shaker was empty, I felt like a shadow. Just that am prior to leaving our house I listened to James McDonald preach about boldness. He spoke of Paul and the confidence in which he presented his beliefs. He spoke of the unrefutable power of the simple message of the cross. He spoke and I listened and understood and believed. Yet standing there today, I was unsure of how to approach such a group. So I watched and absorbed. I secretly wished we had more people like them on our "team":>
They wanted to engage with us. I wanted to engage with them. There Yogi's and they are also a creation of God...knit together...loved...saught after by a savior.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Apple season
Fall is in the air. It's apple season and so our house has an abundance of apples. We have made apple everything. Well...we have made a few apple dishes. Which is a lot for me.
The kids love baking and I love eating what we bake so it works out pretty good. Below are a few pictures of the morning of. We had fund and somehow we managed to crank out all of our concoctions by 9ish.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hot Dog Wienies and Future Plans.
Whew...what a blur the past few weeks have been. Lots of excuses as to why I haven't blogged but none that are too beyond the obvious. I am a Mother. I have 3 kids. I am homeschooling. Enough said. Throw in the fact that over the past two weeks we had a wedding to attend, I had a women's conference to help with, and we are browsing the housing market. Chaos. Lots of it. Just the way I like it. Richie's younger sister got married and Sofia was in the wedding. She was Sofia...(grin), and she was beautiful. She decided she didn't want to participate half way down the walkway. She decided that for the pictures she was going to growl "like a lion" at the photographer. She also decided to climb a tree in her pretty dress outside the reception hall with her brother.
So what else has happened worth notation????
The kids list of things they want to be when they grow up are hot of the press for your viewing pleasure. Here they are in a very particular order.
Caden says:(You must picture his serious face bc this was a very serious discussion.)
#1. I want to be an Army man.
Then second (2 fingers) I want to be a Professional Hockey player
3rd, A Pastor that preaches the Gospel.
and then #4 (4 fingers) I will return back to Hockey because that's where you make all the money.
He rattled these off and was very clear--no waffling on any of the 4 listed choices.
Sofia: (Puts on a serious face as well bc she now senses the importance of this discussion we were having. With her hand on her hip and her hand in the air for counting purposes.)
#1. (1 finger in the air) I want to open a puppy store.
#3. (two fingers in the air) I want to work on the roads with big trucks.
Me: Huh??? Sofia: I want to build the roads with big machines.
Me: You mean road construction workers? Sofia: Yes.
Sofia continues:
#3. (3 fingers in the air) I want dig with a excavator.
#4. (still 3 fingers) I want to drive a choo-choo train.
#6. (no fingers...Caden is now grinning.) I want to own a toy store that gives away toys.
#3 ( she pauses to calculate the fingers and holds up all 5) I want to work at an apple orchard.
#4. (3 fingers) I want to own a flower shop.
#4. I then want a candy shop. And that's all mom.
Ya know, I am all about really encouraging my children to set realistic, attainable, life enhancing goals. HA HAHA HA. So glad that they are still at the age that life is all about dreaming and capabilities. To them, the forecast for their future is joy. It's all about the enjoyment of life. They simply overlook road blocks and cant quite grasp the idea of limitations. The optimism of a child is so refreshing. They have a way of simplifying the most complex things. For example. Caden this week posed this question--"Mom, are hot dog wienies called wienies bc there like wienies?" Of course, I just took another sip of my coffee.
The kids list of things they want to be when they grow up are hot of the press for your viewing pleasure. Here they are in a very particular order.
Caden says:(You must picture his serious face bc this was a very serious discussion.)
#1. I want to be an Army man.
Then second (2 fingers) I want to be a Professional Hockey player
3rd, A Pastor that preaches the Gospel.
and then #4 (4 fingers) I will return back to Hockey because that's where you make all the money.
He rattled these off and was very clear--no waffling on any of the 4 listed choices.
Sofia: (Puts on a serious face as well bc she now senses the importance of this discussion we were having. With her hand on her hip and her hand in the air for counting purposes.)
#1. (1 finger in the air) I want to open a puppy store.
#3. (two fingers in the air) I want to work on the roads with big trucks.
Me: Huh??? Sofia: I want to build the roads with big machines.
Me: You mean road construction workers? Sofia: Yes.
Sofia continues:
#3. (3 fingers in the air) I want dig with a excavator.
#4. (still 3 fingers) I want to drive a choo-choo train.
#6. (no fingers...Caden is now grinning.) I want to own a toy store that gives away toys.
#3 ( she pauses to calculate the fingers and holds up all 5) I want to work at an apple orchard.
#4. (3 fingers) I want to own a flower shop.
#4. I then want a candy shop. And that's all mom.
Ya know, I am all about really encouraging my children to set realistic, attainable, life enhancing goals. HA HAHA HA. So glad that they are still at the age that life is all about dreaming and capabilities. To them, the forecast for their future is joy. It's all about the enjoyment of life. They simply overlook road blocks and cant quite grasp the idea of limitations. The optimism of a child is so refreshing. They have a way of simplifying the most complex things. For example. Caden this week posed this question--"Mom, are hot dog wienies called wienies bc there like wienies?" Of course, I just took another sip of my coffee.
Friday, October 5, 2007
deep thoughts by Sofia
This pic on the right is of what I found in her bed after nap time a couple weeks ago. Strobe lights and drugs. Yes, I know it sounds like a scary combination and at such an early age!!!?? Rest easy, it was just Tylenol (she loves Tylenol--she got it out of the diaper bag) and a bike strobe light. The other pic on the left is just one of her that I love. She actually has a bug in her hand that she wanted to see if it could swim.:>>
She latter wanted to eat the bug. She's all about the shock factor.
Later, during bed time prayers: "Dear Lawrd, Please let the debil be nice. Make him like you and go to heaven one day..." Richie interrupts, "Sofia, the devil will never be nice." Sofia now has her peaky eyes (half open, half closed), pauses and then says "Oh... Amen."
Later, during bed time prayers: "Dear Lawrd, Please let the debil be nice. Make him like you and go to heaven one day..." Richie interrupts, "Sofia, the devil will never be nice." Sofia now has her peaky eyes (half open, half closed), pauses and then says "Oh... Amen."
Caden and Sofia at breakfast: Caden- "Mom, if God is the king of the universe then who is the queen?" Me- "There is no queen." Sofia- "I can be the queen. I would be a really good queen of the universe." Caden- "No you would not." Sofia- "YES, I would."
Sofia later at breakfast: "Mom, can I have your coffee?" Me- "No." Sofia-"But Mom I need to wake up my brain." Me- no response because my brain is not awake and I don't know how to respond. Sofia grows impatient and huffs. Sofia- "this is the last time, I need your coffee. My brain need energy." Me--still no response, I needed my coffee to process this.
Sofia outside, brakes a house rule and goes to visit a neighborhood dog by the name of Rusty with out asking permission. I call her inside to discipline her and after all is said and done I tell her to go back outside and play with Caden. She then tells me, "Mommy, I cant go outside." Me: "Why?" Sofia: "Because Rusty will tempt me to visit him and I just cant handle it. I will sin. Now, I just need to watch some TV to settle me down so I don't go all crazy."
In target today: I am distracted looking for my size in a dress to wear to a wedding. The women's clothing department is next to the underwear dept. I hear a stranger giggle which is never good. I look over and there is Sofia with a pair of big ol' white grannie panties on her head, and she's sporting a matching bra across her little bitty shoulders. Wearing the bra correctly might I add, hooked in the back and everything. Wonderful.
I just love her to pieces.
deep thoughts by Caden
Last night driving home Caden busted out with the spiritual questions. This is when I am very thankful that my husband has a minor in Bible and I have a major in BS ... no haha just joking. Well about the major in BS line. Bible is not something you BS about. Especially when it's Cado. My monster man has such a desire to learn all things and to understand them on a deep level. Quick answers will not suffice. He asked, "Why hasn't anyone ever seen God?", "What does God look like?", "What is free will?", "Why does Satan hate God?", "Why did God give us the choice to sin or not?", "Why doesn't the Bible tell us more about Cain and Abel?", "Before God created everything, what was there?", "How do I hear God?". Then, after much honest discussion, he decides to state an obviously male slanted perspective on everything. He says, "Well, I think it's all Eve's fault and Adam shouldn't have been blamed because Eve convinced him to disobey." We got a big chuckle out of that one. Isn't it funny that blame doesn't have to be taught? Often our answers came back to us trying to explain what we believed as theory and what we knew as fact. Caden summed up his thoughts and said, " Momma, it just takes a bunch of FAITH!" My heart smiled and I asked him what faith meant to him and he replied, "well, it's kinda like airplanes. I know that they need super powerful engines and wings but I really don't know how they work, I just know they fly. That's how God is." I love that at 6 years old, a soul can work out it's salvation. I love that questions do not always have a black and white answer and that I can trust the Holy Spirit to clarify my children's many shades of gray. I love that I have been given the opportunity to encourage my very own personal person, entrusted to foster the development of a soul. There is a simplicity in their world that I am envious of. There is daily a quite lesson IN them for us, bigger than the trying of our patience and will. It's captured only in brief moments. I hope their moments I don't miss. My children's relationship with my Lord is amazing to watch unfold. I am a waste no time, shred the paper, rip right into my gifts kind of girl, but this...THIS is a present that is so sweet, I pray it takes my whole life to open.
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